Friday, December 16, 2016

Cummings Christmas Card

 Inside of card folds down in half.

Back of the card

Monday, December 12, 2016

Staggard Christmas Card

Inside flap                        Card Back                          Card Front

                                           Inside card spread over folds

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Smith Christmas Card

Love this sweet family session and Christmas Card.  It's a 5x7 with Kraft envelopes.  Beautiful baby!  What a fun beach session and lots of fun memories for big brother.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Laughing all the way! New foil - Christmas Card

I love the new Rose Gold Foil stamping available on our Christmas Cards this year.  Perfect for this beautiful family session.  I love the colors and the simplicity. We were happy to offer foil at no additional charge in November.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Great start for a family portrait wall

This the the close version 24" wide and 16" high.  The image will wrap around the sides and the wrap is already trimmed to show you the front of the block.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Guess who's coming to the courtyard? Santa of course.

Mark your calendar for our fun courtyard event at 200 First Street 
in Neptune Beach.  Rain or shine photos with Santa will kick off on 
Saturday, December 3rd from 9:00am. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Beaches Town Center Christmas Card

It's always fun photographing the adorable Buehler Family.  Love the cute foil Christmas Blessings Christmas postcard they chose in Beaches Town Center. 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Christmas Jammie Sessions

Get a jump on the Holidays with our holiday photo sessions. 
"Christmas Jammie Sessions" featuring a beautiful holiday studio set, milk & cookies, bedtime stories, snow globes, candy canes and fun.  Perfect for Christmas Cards, ornaments and holiday gifts. You bring the kids and the jammies and we'll do the rest.  Don't forget our roommates at KYDS Boutique have adorable PJ Savage holiday pajamas. Call for details (904) 610-5669

Monday, October 31, 2016

Modeling Comp Card

I love the crisp, clean look of this modeling comp card.  Christie is gorgeous and so fun to work with.  This studio session really captured her style.  Love the white on white.  Excited to see her on the runway or in print.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

College Graduation 3 panel

 Here are 2 choices for image outlines.  The top one is called an art border and it has an authentic black natural exposure edge.  The bottom panel has a clean smooth dark gray stroke bordering the images.  The images are each 5.5 x 7.5 on a 10"x 20" panel.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Richelle & Mike tie the knot at Bonnie Doone Farm

Loved working with this adorable couple at Bonnie Doone Farm. What do you do when South meets West?  An authentic outdoor farm wedding customized with sunflowers, shotgun shell boutonnieres dancing in moonlight in the candlelite barn & milk n cookies instead of your traditional wedding cake.  A little afternoon rain shower to seal the knot.   Can't wait to share the rest but here's a little teaser for Richelle & Mike. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Newborn Announcements

This adorable 5x7 flat card is available on watercolor paper, art matte and smooth gloss.  Rounded corners and a cute scalloped edge.  Envelopes included. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Sweet Sixteen Party Invitations

Custom Sweet Sixteen Party invitations are one of the fun advantages of a Sweet Sixteen Photo session.  This 5x7 watercolor postcard comes with envelopes ready to mail to friends.  I've included two versions one's a little closer and takes out the wall to the left.  She's beautiful so it is truly her personal preference.  Both will be gorgeous.  The front may include Sweet Sixteen printed to the left and of course the D logo will not appear on the printed card.  Minimum quantity 50 additional increments of 25 available.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Graduation Announcements

Front of a 5x7 postcard style announcement

                                              Back of 5x7 postcard style announcement

Alli on the beach in Neptune Beach, Florida

Sweet sixteen photo session at the beach

Loved sharing our favorite Neptune Beach locations with Alli and her mom, Shari.  They were visiting Florida from Missouri and because Alli loves the beach, she knew this was the perfect location for her portraits with real sand between her toes.




Monday, July 11, 2016

Modeling Portraits

Need a comp card or Mini Modeling portfolio?  Our Studio sessions are perfect for wading into the local modeling scene. Call for appointment dates and rates.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Carl House Wedding Brooke & Grayson

Grayson and Brooke's wedding was one of the sweetest weddings I have ever photographed.  When couples debate about a First Look I will share with them this precious experience.  The couple shared vows written by each other for each other in a private "ceremony" in a sweet garden setting.  This is a fun couple and it is easy to see the love and caring between them. Here's a little peek.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Repost - Not another macaroni necklace !

I don't know about you but I never really enjoyed the bomb that traditionally went off in my kitchen on Mother's Day.  The memories of breakfast in bed intended to be a luxurious experience were always accompanied by cold pancakes and a sticky kitchen floor.  

I'm starting a new Mother's Day tradition and I hope you'll join me.
Mama & Me is a Mother's Day project that your kids can be a part of 
and that does not require cleaning sticky off every surface in your kitchen.  

Document Mother's Day with a beautiful photo of you with your child/children.

Beautiful, tender photos of you and your children ~ aren't frivolous. 
They're a necessity!
 Because to your children . . . 
YOU are too indispensable to be omitted from their past.

Looking forward to cold pancakes & 
a sticky kitchen floor 
on Mother's Day morning? 

Celebrate Mother's Day 
with a new tradition this year.
"I don't like to be in photos."
 I guess you might say I've been holding out on you.  I restrain myself every time a Mom says she doesn't want to be in photographs because she needs to lose 5 lbs or she needs to let her hair grow or get it cut because it's a mess.  I'm quietly sad when I talk to a family that has never taken the time to schedule family portraits.  I believe photographs give clarity to our memories and provide children with a sense of roots and belonging.

I quietly celebrated a milestone last month, remembering the day 13 years ago that I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  My children at the time were 14 and 3.  I was stunned and devastated and ironically the first thing I thought of doing was having portraits taken of me with my children and family.  
For my children, I wanted to make sure I was not an invisible part of their childhood just in case I wasn't blessed with the opportunity to be there to share in their birthday celebrations, skinned knees and first dates.  But God has blessed me with 13 Mother's Day celebrations and I have cherish every one.  

What I learned from the experience is that life is fragile and the window we get to celebrate motherhood with these messy, silly and sometimes stubborn little people is small but it is also tender and sweet and filled with hope for a new day.   I hope you'll won't miss this precious time before it slips away.   ~   Deanne

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

If I could be 16 again . . .

If I could be 16 again . . .

OK . . . if I  could be 16 again I think I'd hire a professional photographer and have some fun glamour shots taken with my BFF or group of friends.   No one told me how magical youth was ~ how I'd possibly never be cuter, in better shape, more optimistic or more fun loving.    Oh to be 16 again ~ so full of life and laughter.  Of course if I were 16 today I'd probably have 2,000 selfies ~ not fabulous but oh so fun.

This spring our family mailbox and inbox has been filled with invitations for clever "Sweet Sixteen" parties and high school graduation festivities.  That's what happens when you have teenagers in your life and home.    
So what do you do as a photographer when your own daughter turns 16?  We decided to forego the traditional Sweet Sixteen party and pack up our gear and head out for a fun themed portrait session instead. 

It was such a hit with her friends we are offering themed Sweet 16 photography sessions, one every month for the rest of the year.   On the 16th of every monthbeginning in June, we will be heading off on a different themed photography adventure.  Why not bring your 2 best friends or make it a Sweet 16 photo party.  
Join us this summer for one of our Sweet 16 photo themes or call us to design your own theme.
2016-17 Senior Portrait Sessions at the beach, historic St. Augustine, a driftwood beach and more.

We are loving this season in our business and enjoying the opportunity to photograph so many fun, 
spontaneous and creative teens.

We have some really fun themes planned this summer - call me for details.  Limited openings available each month. So if you know someone who is turning sixteen, please share this fun memory making opportunity with them.  They'll thank you now and for years to come.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

In the Top 10 Best Investments Category: Family Beach Portraits

In the Top 10 Best Investments Category: 
Family Beach Portraits before your kids go off to college.

As a visual storyteller, I love the opportunity to tell a family's story.  If you have teenagers you know, heading off to college is such a pivotal time in the life of a family.  A lifetime of memories flood our heads and our hearts at graduation.  If you have never thought of family portraits as an investment . . . just ask this sweet family.   A year after their first daughter headed off to college, this moment in time is still a vivid memory.

When you send your kids off to college, make sure you send them with a framed family portrait.  A reminder of the family who nurtured and loved them is a sweet encouragement when they feel homesick or on a busy week of testing.  

I love capturing the playfulness in a family, the bond between siblings and age differences.  The sibling experience changes when a child leaves home.  

Graduation is traditionally a family gathering time. Family travelling in for graduation, a family reunion, beach vacation, high school or college graduation, hire a professional and have a family portrait taken this summer.  For years to come, you'll be glad you did.